
Welcome to REN’s DataHub.
Here you can learn more about the Portuguese Energy Networks with annual, monthly and real-time data and analyses(*).
REN has two main business areas: electricity and natural gas. In Portugal, we operate transmission and distribution infrastructures and carry out the overall management of the National Electricity System and of the National Natural Gas System.
Every day, we work to develop a more efficient, safe and competitive energy system that guarantees everyone has access to energy.
We are proud of the public service we provide; here, we present this service’s numbers to the scientific community, journalists and all interested parties.
We take on a strong commitment to sustainable development, which is why we consistently invest in the promotion of knowledge and in research and development, deepening the relationship between academia and industry, seeking to anticipate solutions for the major technological and environmental challenges that arise at the domestic and international levels.
Therefore, we are also actively participating in the construction of the European energy market and in the future new-generation transnational infrastructures.
We hope that by browsing this website you will get better acquainted with what we do in Portugal.
(*) data updated every 15 minutes for electricity and every hour for gas.
Repartição da produção por fonte primária – carvão, gás natural, água, vento, sol, ondas, biomassa e outros. Representa-se ainda a importação, caso exista.
A linha mais grossa representa o consumo de electricidade e a linha mais fina indica a soma deste com o consumo em bombagem (consumo das centrais hidroeléctricas reversíveis, utilizado para bombear água de um reservatório para outro mais elevado e que será turbinada posteriormente).
Caso a produção seja maior que o consumo, significa que se está a exportar electricidade, sendo a exportação a diferença entre a produção e o consumo.