Daily Balance

116 GWh
100 %


Consumption corresponds to all the natural gas consumed daily in mainland Portugal. It is broken down into two main market segments:
Electricity Market, which corresponds to natural gas consumed by combined-cycle power plants for electricity generation, and Conventional Market, which corresponds to natural gas for household and industrial consumption.
In turn, the Conventional Market is broken down into three categories, as follows. GRMS – Distribution, which corresponds to the gas delivered to the GRMS for consumption in the Distribution Networks; High-Pressure Customers, which corresponds to the gas delivered to the GRMS for consumption by customers connected directly to the High-Pressure network; and also UAG – Autonomous Gas Units, which corresponds to the gas consumed from units not directly connected to the gas pipeline.
The gas day is defined as the period between 5 a.m. and 5 a.m. of the following day.


Peak 25 Jul 24 [MW]

25 Jul 24 [GWh]

Eq. Day '23 [GWh]

Jul 24 [GWh]

Variation [%]

TOTAL CONSUMPTION 5 484 116 164 2 481 -35.8
ELECTRICITY MARKET 1 176 22 67 299 -82.2
CONVENTIONAL MARKET 4 336 94 97 2 182 0.0
GRMS - Distribution 2 720 56 61 1 332 1.6
High Pressure Clients 1 398 33 28 725 -2.7
Autonomous Gas Units 5 8 123 -0.3

Share of Consumption

The daily natural gas consumption diagram shows hourly values for total consumption, broken down by four types of customer, as follows. Electricity Market – natural gas consumed by combined-cycle power stations for electricity generation; GRMS Distribution – natural gas delivered to GRMS for consumption in the Distribution Networks; High-Pressure Customers – natural gas delivered to GRMS for consumption by customers connected directly to the High-Pressure network; and Autonomous Gas Units – natural gas consumed from LNG tanks supplied by tanker trucks.
The gas day is defined as the period between 5 a.m. and 5 a.m. of the following day.
The monthly value presented is the cumulative value from the beginning of the month until the selected day.

25 Jul 24

The daily natural gas consumption diagram shows hourly values for total consumption, broken down by four types of customer, as follows. Electricity Market – natural gas consumed by combined-cycle power stations for electricity generation; GRMS Distribution – natural gas delivered to GRMS for consumption in the Distribution Networks; High-Pressure Customers – natural gas delivered to GRMS for consumption by customers connected directly to the High-Pressure network; and Autonomous Gas Units – natural gas consumed from LNG tanks supplied by tanker trucks.
The gas day is defined as the period between 5 a.m. and 5 a.m. of the following day.
The monthly value presented is the cumulative value from the beginning of the month until the selected day.

Jul 24

The daily natural gas consumption diagram shows hourly values for total consumption, broken down by four types of customer, as follows. Electricity Market – natural gas consumed by combined-cycle power stations for electricity generation; GRMS Distribution – natural gas delivered to GRMS for consumption in the Distribution Networks; High-Pressure Customers – natural gas delivered to GRMS for consumption by customers connected directly to the High-Pressure network; and Autonomous Gas Units – natural gas consumed from LNG tanks supplied by tanker trucks.
The gas day is defined as the period between 5 a.m. and 5 a.m. of the following day.
The monthly value presented is the cumulative value from the beginning of the month until the selected day.

Natural Gas Transmission Network Balance

The daily RNTGN Balance records all natural gas entering and leaving the National Natural Gas Transmission Network (RNTGN).
The two supply routes for the Portuguese system, interconnections with Spain through the high-pressure gas pipelines and the Sines LNG terminal, as well as the gas extracted from Underground Storage and injected into the Transmission Network, are considered in the inputs.
The natural gas outputs from the RNTGN are grouped into three destinations: interconnections, which corresponds to the gas exported to Spain through the high-pressure gas pipelines; Underground Storage, which corresponds to the gas injected into the underground caves in the municipality of Pombal, where it is stored; and GRMS, which corresponds to the supply for consumption, including deliveries to the Distribution Networks and to consumers connected directly to the Transmission Network.
The monthly values presented are the cumulative values from the beginning of the month until the selected day.


25 Jul 24 [GWh]

Jul 24 [GWh]

INPUTS 137 3 565
Interconnections 0 0
LNG Terminal 98 3 301
Underground Storage 40 265
OUTPUTS 143 3 567
GRMS 111 2 360
Interconnections 32 1 177
Underground Storage 0 31

LNG Terminal Balance

Daily balance of the LNG Terminal – Movement in the Sines LNG Terminal. Inputs correspond to unloading from methane carriers. Outputs correspond to the regasification of LNG delivered to the National Natural Gas Transmission Network (RNTGN), the loading of tanker trucks to supply Autonomous Gasification Units (UAG) and the loading of methane carriers.
The monthly values presented are the cumulative values from the beginning of the month until the selected day.


25 Jul 24 [GWh]

Jul 24 [GWh]

INPUTS 561 4 124
Ships 561 4 124
OUTPUTS 104 3 431
Transmission Network 98 3 301
Ships 0 0
LNG Tanker Trucks 7 130
STORAGE 1 805  
[%] 67.7  

Underground Storage Balance

Daily balance of the Underground Storage – Injection/extraction movements in the underground caves, in the municipality of Pombal. Injection corresponds to the entry of natural gas in the Underground Storage and extraction to the exit of natural gas from the Underground Storage. Storage correspond to the useful quantity of natural gas in storage at the end of the day.
The monthly values presented are the cumulative values from the beginning of the month until the selected day.


25 Jul 24 [GWh]

Jul 24 [GWh]

Injection 0 31
Withdrawal 40 265
STORAGE 3 418  
[%] 95.7  

Transmission Network Inputs

Transmission Network Outputs

Transmission Network Total Inputs and Outputs

Linepack Variation (MWh) -5 249