


Daily Energy Inflow

Daily energy inflow to hydroelectric dams, in the selected month, and average regime for that month. The average regime is calculated on the basis of a 40-year series.


Daily Wind Generation

Daily wind generation, in the selected month, and average regime for that month. The average regime is calculated on the basis of a 20-year series.


Daily Solar Generation

Daily solar generation, in the selected month, and average regime for that month. The average regime is calculated on the basis of a 10-year series.


Hydro Capability Factor

Monthly values of the hydro capability factor, calculated as the ratio between the actual value of the monthly inflow and the average regime for that month. Indication of the accumulated value since the beginning of the year and since the beginning of the hydrological year (starting in October).

There is no data
for the selected date


Wind Capability Factor

Monthly values of the wind capability factor, calculated as the ratio between the actual value of the monthly generation and the value of the average regime for that month.

There is no data
for the selected date

Wind Use

Monthly values of wind use, calculated as the ratio between the actual value of the monthly generation and the maximum applicable production in that month (all wind power plants at maximum power, 24 hours a day). Value shown as a percentage.

There is no data
for the selected date


Solar Capability Factor

Monthly values of the solar capability factor, calculated as the ratio between the actual value of the monthly generation and the value of the average regime for that month.

There is no data
for the selected date

Solar Use

Monthly values of solar use, calculated as the ratio between the actual value of the monthly generation and the maximum applicable generation in that month (all solar power plants at maximum power, 24 hours a day). Value shown as a percentage.

There is no data
for the selected date