Monthly Balance

In February, the consumption totaled 4 407 GWh, with a peak of 9 083 MW on day 4 at 20:00. Renewable generation supplied 79% of the consumption. Hydropower accounted for 46% of the consumption, wind power for 20%, biomass for 5%, and solar for 7%. The balance of exchanges with foreign countries was import equals to 9% of consumption.

4 407 GWh
79 %

Energy Balance

Consumption concerning the power stations’ net generation, on the selected month, on the same month of the previous year, annual cumulative value, corresponding cumulative value from the previous year, and respective variations. Production breakdown according to primary source – coal, natural gas, water, wind, sun, biomass and others – is also shown. In addition to the monthly energy values, the peak value (maximum instantaneous value) observed in the selected month, for each of the primary sources, is also presented.


Peak [MW]

Feb 25 [GWh]

Accumulated [GWh]

Feb 24 [GWh]

Accumulated [GWh]

Month [Variation %]

Accumulated [Variation %]

TOTAL GENERATION 10 060 4 307 9 145 4 575 9 542 -5.8 -4.2
Renewable Generation 9 361 3 500 7 364 3 819 7 814 -8.4 -5.7
Hydro 1 6 388 2 049 3 595 1 762 4 081 16.3 -11.9
Wind 4 574 905 2 696 1 525 2 745 -40.7 -1.8
Solar 2 804 331 609 261 462 26.7 31.9
Wave 0 0 0 0 0 - -
Biomass 2 360 215 464 272 526 -20.8 -11.9
Cogeneration 147 84 180 120 217 -29.7 -17.2
Others 218 131 284 152 309 -13.7 -8.2
Non-Renewable Generation 1 914 575 1 275 428 1 132 34.3 12.6
Natural Gas 1 884 554 1 232 407 1 089 36.3 13.2
Combined-Cycle 1 729 453 1 022 286 799 58.3 27.9
Cogeneration 203 101 211 121 290 -16.0 -27.4
Other Thermal 3 35 21 43 21 43 -2.9 -1.5
Cogeneration 7 3 6 3 6 -11.8 -9.7
Others 29 18 37 18 37 -1.5 -0.2
Generation from Storage   233 506 327 597 -28.9 -15.2
Pumped Storage Generation   233 506 327 597 -28.9 -15.2
Battery Injection   0 0 0 0 -97.6  -88.2 
CONSUMPTION FOR STORAGE 2 250 283 645 404 714 -29.9 -9.7
Pumping 2 250 283 645 404 714 -30.0 -9.7
Batteries 0 0 0 0 0 44.4 135.0  
IMPORT BALANCE 4 526 383 914 100 347 281.0 163.2
Imports (commercial schedules) 4 517 786 1 822 628 1 397 25.2 30.4
Exports (commercial schedules) 3 780 398 904 529 1 052 -24.9 -14.0
CONSUMPTION 9 083 4 407 9 414 4 271 9 175 3.2 2.6
1 Generation from natural inflow;
2 Includes: Forest biomass, biogas and the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste;
3 Includes: Fuel-oil, gas, the non-biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste and other waste

Consumption Supply

Feb 25

Production breakdown according to primary source – coal, natural gas, water, wind, sun, biomass and others. These are available individually by selecting “Detailed” or grouped into renewables (water, wind, solar and biomass) and non-renewables (coal, natural gas and others) by selecting “Aggregated”. "Biomass" includes renewable energy cogeneration, forest biomass, biogas and the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste. In the "Other Thermal" category are included fuel-oil, the non-biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste and other waste. If the import balance is positive, its contribution to the consumption of electricity in mainland Portugal is also shown.
The values presented are monthly, for the selected month and for the corresponding month of the previous year.

Feb 24

Production breakdown according to primary source – coal, natural gas, water, wind, sun, biomass and others. These are available individually by selecting “Detailed” or grouped into renewables (water, wind, solar and biomass) and non-renewables (coal, natural gas and others) by selecting “Aggregated”. "Biomass" includes renewable energy cogeneration, forest biomass, biogas and the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste. In the "Other Thermal" category are included fuel-oil, the non-biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste and other waste. If the import balance is positive, its contribution to the consumption of electricity in mainland Portugal is also shown.
The values presented are monthly, for the selected month and for the corresponding month of the previous year.

Annual Consumption Supply


Production breakdown according to primary source – coal, natural gas, water, wind, sun, biomass and others. These are available individually by selecting “Detailed” or grouped into renewables (water, wind, solar and biomass) and non-renewables (coal, natural gas and others) by selecting “Aggregated”. "Biomass" includes renewable cogeneration, forest biomass, biogas and the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste. In the "Other Thermal" category are included fuel-oil, the non-biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste and other waste. If the import balance is positive, its contribution to the consumption of electricity in mainland Portugal is also shown.
The numbers shown are the cumulative values from the beginning of the year to the end of the selected month and the cumulative values for the same period of the previous year.


Production breakdown according to primary source – coal, natural gas, water, wind, sun, biomass and others. These are available individually by selecting “Detailed” or grouped into renewables (water, wind, solar and biomass) and non-renewables (coal, natural gas and others) by selecting “Aggregated”. "Biomass" includes renewable cogeneration, forest biomass, biogas and the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste. In the "Other Thermal" category are included fuel-oil, the non-biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste and other waste. If the import balance is positive, its contribution to the consumption of electricity in mainland Portugal is also shown.
The numbers shown are the cumulative values from the beginning of the year to the end of the selected month and the cumulative values for the same period of the previous year.

Transmission Network Balance

Physical balance of the National Electricity Transmission Network. The various parcels that constitute the energy input into the network and the energy output from the network are shown for the selected month. The inputs into the network are divided into Power Plants, Interconnections and RNT Substations, which, in this last case, is energy generated at the Distribution network level and injected in the Transmission Network when generation is greater then local consumption. The outputs from the network are divided into Power Plants and VHV Clients, that are clients connected directly to the Transmission Network, Interconnections, RNT Substations, that are the deliveries to the distribution networks, and Own Consumptions on facilities of the network itself.
The difference between inputs and outputs are the losses in the National Transmission Network.


Peak [MW]

Feb 25 [GWh]

2025 [GWh]

Feb 24 [GWh]

2024 [GWh]

ENERGY INPUT 8 616 4 010 8 520 4 018 4 570
Power Plants 7 534 2 984 6 104 2 901 3 392
Interconnections 4 526 815 1 830 717 887
Substations 1 022 211 585 400 291
ENERGY DELIVERED 8 305 3 914 8 319 3 921 4 458
Power Plants and VHV Clients 2 592 476 1 032 592 498
Pumping 2 250 281 637 400 310
Interconnections 3 231 432 916 616 640
Substations 7 346 3 005 6 369 2 711 3 319
Own Consumption   0 1 1 1
LOSSES 97 201 97 112
LOSSES [%] 2.41 2.36 2.41 2.44
Includes generators/clients HV connected to the transmission network through private lines.

Installed Capacity

Power connected to the Public Network, or power installed on thermal generators under the directive 399/2002. The additional capacity is included in the wind power producers pursuant to Decree-Law 94/2014. The historical peak values (maximum instantaneous values) are also shown for each of the primary sources.


Feb 25 [MW]

Peak [MW]

Peak Date

Hydro 8 377 7 277 2024-03-11 22:15
Wind 5 408 5 034 2024-02-29 13:45
Solar 3 983 2 804 2025-02-23 12:30
Wave 0 0 2008-10-01 03:15
Biomass 707 454 2022-03-04 18:30
Natural Gas 4 420 4 387 2021-01-05 21:45
Coal 1 796 2007-12-31 08:30
Other Thermal 25 2 193 2001-12-18 17:30
Batteries 1 1 2024-11-25 12:30
TOTAL 22 921 12 149 2023-12-05 19:15
Pumping 3 585 3 011 2024-04-14 13:45
Consumption   9 883 2021-01-12 19:30
Power connected to the public network or power installed on Thermal Generators
under the directive 399/2002. The wind power figure includes the additional power pursuant to Decree-Law No. 94/2014